30 Day Hassle Free Policy

You have 30 days from purchase to return any item. All items must be in original packaging and be in new condition. Partly used or opened products cannot be returned. All returns must be pre-approved by obtaining a RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization). This can be done via email or phone call. Return shipping charges are the responsibility of the customer.


Products that cannot be returned because of US Department of Transportation shipping regulations include: Chlorine sticks and tablets of any kind, pre-filled chlorine packs (Pool Frog), Bromine tablets, non-Chlorine pool and spa Shock, Calcium based pool chlorine, Hydrogen based pool shock (Soft Swim C), some other pool and spa chemicals.

If you are concerned your order will contain products that cannot be returned, please contact us to discuss your options.

Contact Us

Email: help@poolgeek.com

Phone: (888) 354-4335